HOW ARE YOU , MY DEAR? - CH2 Find what you want

가격 | USD$ ( NT$700 )
※금액은 TWD로 계산됩니다
한정판 | 25 봉지
양식 | Podcast
내용 | Video x 3
남은 수량 | 0
출시 시간 | 2022-02-18 04:00 (GMT+8)
개장 카운트다운 |
Hr Min Sec

항목 콘텐츠

If you want to change and evolve! Come and start your growth fantasy journey! A total of five chapters, twelve independent NFTs, this time the card pack is the first chapter-self-confidence, including "so fucking what?" "The stories in my life that let me know the society",“Are things similar or outstanding?! , After reading, you will be cured immediately if you are confused!

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